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How to speak English fluently?

How can I speak like a native English speaker? What does “fluency” really mean? How can I improve my English naturally? In the following article, we get to know about How to speak English fluently? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

No matter where you look at it, every person who wants to improve in a language asks himself: what is the most effective method to learn it as quickly as possible?

There are as many solutions as there are students. Some learn endless lists of vocabulary. Others choose to go abroad for a couple of months looking for the language to catch on. Most will enrol in an academy and will not deviate from what their textbook marks.

There are no magic formulas but, over time, it has been seen what works and what does not.

How can I speak like a native English speaker?

The question would rather be why I need to speak like a native. Let’s go over there. Which native do you want to talk like? Like a Maltese, an Indian or a “Highlander”?

Having a perfect accent will amaze your interlocutor. But he will be much more surprised that you are fluent when it comes to talking about any topic, juggling irregular verbs and mastering “phrasal verbs” as if it were the table of one.

Bottom line: don’t worry so much about pronunciation. What matters is “fluency”, that is, speaking fluently.

What does “fluency” really mean?

When we start to learn a language, it is most likely that our main objective is not to pass a specific exam. The usual thing is that we pretend to be able to function with solvency in a foreign country or to be able to hold a work meeting in the language in question.

In short, the idea is to be able to use language effectively in our daily situations.

This is what is known as “fluency” or “social fluidity.”

To achieve this goal, you have to look for natural methods of learning English. Instead of shutting yourself up in a classroom, you need to expose yourself to those situations that you would naturally encounter in your day-to-day life. 

How can I learn English naturally?

Far from being the buzzword in language learning, the natural way of learning a language is the most effective.

The fundamental thing to begin to gain fluency is to receive content so that our brain can start to create logical sequences of words over time. Just like any child does when learning their mother tongue.

As we cannot go back to being children, we need to flood our brains with content to build a picture of the language. The best methods to get s on the audio, video and reading. However, the ideal goes through the combination of all three.

It is essential to choose resources appropriate to your level. If the class is too high, we can become frustrated if it is too low, in boredom.

And, of course, we must put all five senses to the task. If you stick to a simple aural exposure, it won’t do any good. 

What is more effective to improve my English? Sign up for classes or study on my own?

What tastes better, Coca-Cola or Pepsi? Like everything, it will go by taste. By tastes and personal abilities.

Leaving aside the economic issue, experts point out that online education is more effective than what you can receive in a classroom.

The reasons would be these:

  • You can adapt the study rhythm to your needs.
  • It is possible to select the contents of the most significant interest to you in favour of those that bore you just by thinking about them.
  • You eliminate the excuse of “I’m late and I can’t get to class.” Online training allows you to study wherever and whenever you want.
  • You can spend most of the time listening to the natural language with native speakers.

The latter is significant. Hearing is everything. Children first learn to listen and understand. After years of listening, they begin to speak fluently. Focus first on listening comprehension.

What can I do to stay motivated while learning?

At any moment, we will get discouraged and reluctant not to move forward as fast as we would like.

It will happen to us with English and the gym you sign up for in January to lose all the extra kilos that the polvorones have given you.

So that this does not happen to us, we must keep in mind some points:

1. Set an honest and achievable goal

Study at least 10 minutes a day. The less is more the fashion magazines also applicable here. The important thing is perseverance, and, honestly, it is tough not to find that gap on the way to work while preparing dinner or during your exercise session if you do it in a place where you can practice it out loud without people taking you for crazy, the better.

2. Don’t study English, Live in English. Integrate it into all aspects of your life. Modify the language of your smartphone or your laptop. Choose English in the Netflix preferences. Listen to music in English. Go back to see that series that you liked so much in the original version. Everything helps.

3. Choose the content that may interest you. It doesn’t matter if it’s the whole Stones discography of the rednecks’ favourite sword-forging show. Suppose it can be an online course taught by native teachers and focused on Spanish-speaking students, much better.

4. Adapt the content to your level, Or even a little lower. To demotivate yourself with your shortcomings, you already have to Know and Win. If you are a beginner you can start with Peppa Pig. Yes. With children’s drawings. Children learn to walk before they run. The same thing happens with language.

5. Choose an option that won’t ruin you,  Start with an online course before attending face-to-face classes. It will always be cheaper and more motivating than trying to learn at the pace set by a group of 12 people.

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